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Api docs


shion starts a web server locally and provides an interface through web services for third-party applications to implement the function of passing specific data to shion, so as to achieve monitoring of application event levels

For example, if you are a developer of an e-book reading app and your users want to record the data of the books they read (book title, current progress), you can use this method

Currently only supports the note function


If you are preparing to connect your application to the shion API

The default port number is 15785, which may be changed by the user

Some API calls require authorization, and authorization can only be obtained when the user adds your (third-party application developer) application to automatic monitoring

Get a token by calling /api/auth, and the token will expire. If the response returns 401, you need to re-request

Add the token to the header in the form of Authorization: Bearer ${token}

For other cases, see the error message returned by the specific interface


The interface response follows the following standards

option means that this field may exist

The response description is omitted below for interfaces with no data returned

Field nameTypeDescription
dataoption<object>Return data
messageoption<string>Error message

GET /api/ping

Check if the server is running

POST /api/auth

Request credentials for authentication

Request parameters

Field nameTypeDescription
pathstringThird-party application exe file path

Request example

    "path": "D:\\software\\PotPlayer\\PotPlayerMini64.exe"


Field nameTypeDescription
tokenstringFor authentication

Response example

    "data": {
        "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOjQsImV4cCI6MTcyNDAzMjY2MX0.9F4WKg0j8ouWB1sbcJt2e8HC7335AF78hppsOTCZwZI"
    "success": true

POST AUTH /api/remark/create

Create application event

Request parameters

Field nameTypeDescription
argoption<string>Startup parameters (this data will be passed to your application)
timeoption<number>Timestamp of event occurrence