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Payment model

During the early development year, all the needs came from me, and I was the only user. With the exposure in the past month, it has attracted a wave of users, many of whom have constructive suggestions, and there are also many problems that I have never encountered along the way. It is precisely because of these voices that I have the reason to continue to optimize

Now the open source community version has completed all plans. Although some places are still lacking in polishing, it is indeed worth a try

After meeting the needs of ordinary users, it is inevitable to launch an advanced version for deep users

I plan to continue to maintain the existing functions and bugs in a timely manner based on the latest version of the open source community version v0.11.5. The advanced version is in the early experience mode, that is, new features will be experienced on the advanced version first, and then ported to the open source community version in subsequent updates

The advanced version has landed on the steam platform to start the early experience mode, and will be open to the store soon. The current version has the same functions as the open source community version, and will be updated continuously, so users who mind can wait and see. The price is 3.99 US dollars. If you think this software is valuable, this model is not much different from buying a cup of coffee for an open source project.

As for whether this model is good or not, and whether there are paying users, I don’t want to explore it too much, just try it first.

Regarding future feature development, I need to explain in advance that the software is an offline application, so server-related functions (such as syncing data) are not part of the planned development scope.

Because of machine translation, I did not indicate that I support english on steam.